SECURCOM Protection Agency offer

We operate on the basis of an entry in the Register of Detective Activities under the number: RD-38/2015, kept by the Ministry of the Interior and the Ministry of Interior Affairs Concession No. L005212

VIP security services – the essence of our profession.

We cherry-pick the best possible team to protect an individual or a group of people, depending on the results of the risk analysis related to ensuring security.

We accept the job only if the client is completely honest and ready to abide by certain rules which are necessary for effective security.

Organization of International Group Arrivals

For decades, we have been organizing group arrivals from around the globe, mainly from the United States, Canada, and Israel.

We not only organize transport, accommodation, and meals but also sightseeing. Naturally, at all times our groups are guarded by highly qualified security staff selected for the type and size of the group.

On-site Security Services

We always work as a Specialized Armed Security Group (Polish: SUFO). If you need a janitor or a rank-and-file policeman, save yourself the trouble and time, because we are not what you are looking for. We do not employ disabled people to protect people or buildings; we do not provide deductions from the State Fund for the Rehabilitation of the Disabled (Polish: PFRON); we only provide services of specialized staff always on very specific terms and always at rates that allow us to adequately reward the knowledge, skills, and experience of our employees.

Event Security

We do not provide security for mass events, and even if we do, we do it on our own terms based on the applicable law. If the client does not like it, they can choose from thousands of other companies, which will be happy to do whatever the client wants. Our focus is rather on small events, where the client really cares about ensuring safety, peace, and quiet, including but not limited to family gatherings, corporate events, or events where the client understands the risk and is ready to cooperate with us, since we are also burdened with criminal responsibility.

Detective Services

We also provide a full range of detective services, also supported by our security department if needed.